Mind – Body – Soul

Mind – Body – Soul

Every human is the unity of mind, body and soul. The spirit is the domain of thought, a peculiar human faculty, feature of the civilised man. It is through thinking that we can dominate other species, because our abilities in this area are superior to those of other...
Inner Balance

Inner Balance

Human communication takes the form of verbal communication, i.e. words. However, in a concrete encounter, only about 7% of the information we convey is carried by the words. Around 38% is the emotional charge, vocality, the way we speak, and the rest 55% is body...
Personality Development

Personality Development

Horses have special gifts and abilities to bring to the surface – not always conscious – feelings and forgotten thoughts within us and to shed light on the key issues in our lives that we need to answer for ourselves before we can move on. “Looking...
Why horses?

Why horses?

There are many reasons why we choose horses for self-awareness sessions. I would like to mention a few of them. The horse can detect and bring to the surface hidden things, traits and patterns of behaviour that we may not be aware of. It senses our current emotional...